*giggle* At "stranding" scenario. That actually suits my location as I'm out
in nether-nether land.
That's alright I can upload them to my blog or direct interested members to
the images on my resources account.
This Tom fellow sounds like an interesting chap, pity that another news
group is heading along the same path as many others. Too much spam and off
topic posts, Oh well.
I myself am not a pretty ballerina, I just have a love for the ballet pinup
and the vintage aka history of ballet because it is in my genealogy. So I
collect vintage postcards and imagery
"Trog Woolley"
While stranded on the hard shoulder of the information super highway
Post by TashCan someone please post the FAQs for the group.
I have a few vintage ballet photos, I might like to share if it is suitable.
This is newsnet and posting photos is very bad form. What you can
do is host them on some (preferably) free web space and put up
a posting here with some links to these photos. Asking for comments
about them might be a way to start an interesting discussion, but
don't expect a huge number of replies. There aren't many of us who
post to this group any more. With out the driving force of the
very sadly missed Tom Parsons, the news group petered out, although
I'm sure there are a number of lurkers out there.
The modern ballet FAQ (the FAQ that was posted to this news group)
is archived at http://www.dancer.com/tom-parsons/index.php