public withdrawal of my support for Scapino Ballet Rotterdam's use of Allerseelen
(too old to reply)
Maria Technosux
2006-04-03 12:01:18 UTC
*public withdrawal of my support for Scapino Ballet Rotterdam's use of

It has recently come to my attention that I, Maria Technosux, have
unwittingly supported and advanced the ballet Aller Zielen, wherein the
Dutch ballet company Scapino Ballet Rotterdam has uncritically and
unreflectively used the music of neopagan fascist Kadmon's musical
project Allerseelen*, specifically the track "Riflessione" from the
2005 cd _Edelweiss_.

Kadmon is the Vienna-based fascist artist behind the music of
Allerseelen. He has in the past repeatedly collaborated with USA
expatriate post-modern fascist Michael Moynihan (of _Lords of Chaos_
fame). In his zine Aorta, Kadmon has repeatedly expressed blatantly
fascist views.*

In using the track "Riflessione" from _Edelweiss_ by Allerseelen as a
soundtrack to their ballet, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam have no doubt had
to pay royalties to Kadmon for the use of his music in a public
performance. They have thus financed a fascist.

* On the use of controversial music in contemporary ballet*

Obviously I am in total agreement that artists should use whatever
music they think is necessary in getting their point across, even if it
is the most offensive music imaginable, as long as they do so
critically and self-reflectively. Ohad Naharin used black USA
gangstarap in his ballet Z/na, but contrasted it with female dancers
dressed as somewhat spastic 1950s American housewives; this contrast
shows that Naharin was willing to reflect on the controversial music he
was using. The young American choreographer has used bling bling
pimp-rap as well as Eminem in her choreographies, but does so in a
context concerning cross-gender sexual abuse and incest. These are all
examples of controversial music being used critically. This will
towards critique is nowhere to be found in Scapino Ballet Rotterdam's
use of the fascist music of Allerseelen. In Aller Zielen the fascist
music is part of a purely aesthetic and therefore totally uncritical
display. Aesthetic fascism is but an understatement for the artistic
ideology that is thus perpetrated.

Therefor, I hereby explicitly withdraw my previous support for
Allerzielen. To cement my rejection, I have deleted all my reviews of
Scapino Ballet from the GoogleGroups archives. I hereby ask
Criticaldance.com to remove my previous favourable review of
_Kathleen_. I will not support people who financially support fascists
and favourably showcase their fascist music within an utterly
uncritical context. I have unwittingly told people to attend the Aller
Zielen ballet; I hereby withdraw that recommendation.


* Among the fascist theorists Moynihan relies upon in his book is one
"Kadmon"-himself a professional associate of Moynihan's.

"In Lords of Chaos, Moynihan suggests that Vikernes is an avatar of a
long-repressed Odinist archetype analogous to what Jung claimed for
Nazi Germany in his famous 1936 essay on Wotan. . . . In Lords of
Chaos, Moynihan relies upon 'Kadmon,' editor of a Vienna-based
journal called Aorta, to bolster the racial archetype thesis.

Kadmon argues that Norwegian black metalists are modern day examples of
an ancient martial/mystical band of Werewolf-like 'berserker'
warriors known as the Oskorei.

No disinterested scholar, Kadmon is also a political supporter of
Vikernes as well as Moynihan's collaborator. His band Allerseelen,
for example, put out a joint CD with Moynihan's group Blood Axis.

A blood fetishist, Kadmon named his journal Aorta because it is 'a
blood-red cycle. In Aorta there is my blood. The blood of the poet, the
blood of the magician, the blood of the warrior.'

Kadmon also devoted one issue of Aorta to 'the Odinist Norwegian
composer Varg Vikernes . . .who is currently in prison due to his
Viking ethics.'"

Ian Johnston
2006-04-08 07:36:04 UTC
On Mon, 3 Apr 2006 12:01:18 UTC, "Maria Technosux"
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:

: Therefor, I hereby explicitly withdraw my previous support for
: Allerzielen.

I'm sure they'll be heartbroken, dear. I can hear the weeping from


Maria Technosux
2006-04-14 14:43:55 UTC
Post by Ian Johnston
I'm sure they'll be heartbroken, dear. I can hear the weeping from
I'm sure you're trying to ruin another thread of mine, dear.
I can hear your snickering from here.

Maria Technosux
2006-04-14 14:50:37 UTC
I have contacted the music maker in question, and he says he has
received no direct payment or any royalties from Scapino Ballet
Rotterdam themselves. He said: "Allerseelen is registered via the
Austrian enterprise Austromechana, so I could receive some money [via
that other company, Austromechana]."

He has now visited Scapino Ballet Rotterdam's website and has seen the
online photographs of the Allerzielen tripartite ballet. He clearly
sounds appreciative: "I liked this* image - beautiful colours".


* http://www.scapinoballet.nl/act.php?mid=1831
